be the love
we are

The Invitation with Adhikari

The Invitation from Adhikari is to go within for you can find everything you have been looking for… Love, Wisdom, Joy, Strength, Beauty within. You can discover you are Whole and Total, Complete… not an isolated, separate being – and your Heart has all the answers.

Come, come whomever you are
and discover you already are
what you have been looking for!

Called by many names
yet beyond all names
ideas, knowing
form and experience

 Yet appearing as
Indivisible Love
Eternal Light
Peaceful Joy and 
Infinite Forms, like yours
and countless experiences!


To Be the Love We Are, we have to let go of all of our ideas of who we are, everyone is... or at least see through them. We even have to let go of the idea of love, for love is beyond any definition of love. It is really only believing in our thoughts that creates suffering in our lives and keeps us from being the love, joy, and peace we are in this life... and even going deeper to realizing our true nature.

Love calls
To my Heart
I go
Mystery happens,
Tears flow
What is 'This?'
Where does 'It' come from?
I do not know
Not personal
No measure
No thoughts or words here
This I know
Nowhere else do I want to go
Will you go? 


Stop for a moment and ask into your heart, “Who am I truly?” Do not look for an answer. You will not find it in words, ideas, thoughts for these are like bits of dust that come and go. And what comes and goes cannot be who you truly are. Let what comes come and what goes go and find out what remains (as Ramana Maharshi suggests) to discover who you truly are.


Lastly stop for a moment and ask, "Who or what animates all of life?" I look outside and am in awe of what designs a bird's beak to crunch the birdseed and how the bird can fly and sing. Who designed these thousands of blossoms of different colors and how can I see them at all? It is so mysterious. Consider for a moment the millions of miracles abounding. Will you open to this wonder?


Introduction + Contact

Whether it be in meditation offerings, individual sessions offering healing or spiritual guidance, Adhikari is always inviting everyone to drop all our ideas, to not pay attention to our thinking, and come out of Love. When we see through our thoughts, we see that all is Love. You can listen to an interview of Adhikari by her Samyama teacher, Sheila Foster by clicking here.

Though Adhikari is trained as a psychotherapist and is licensed as a LCSW-C, she feels everyone she sees is Whole, Total, not sick. Our being is Love, Joy, and Peace. So she works with people from that perspective. She is totally inspired by her Beloved Guru ShantiMayi, whom she met in 1999 to give her life for the awakening of all. Yet Adhikari does not expect anyone to follow her spiritual path. She only wants to support you in being the love you are.

Gayatri Mantra

Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

Throughout all realms of experience, That essential nature illuminating existence, is the adorable One. May all beings perceive through subtle and meditative intellect, the magnificent brilliance of enlightened awareness.

This song is sung by Premo Durga, sax by Joep and other Sacha singers. The CD is called Sacha All Starrs and can be found at You can google ‘Premo Durga’ for her singing more devotional songs.