
ShantiMayi, my Beloved Guru, is my Heart: the Light, Love, and Inspiration of my Life. She is a totally realized Master of the Sacha lineage... meaning she lives no separation and is doubtless about who we all are, have been and always will be. She is forever inspiring me to go deeper into my Heart, into the depths of unthinkability and love.
I knew she was my guru when I first met her in 1999 for beside her unconditional love she would not let me hold onto any idea. Since then she continues to open my heart and mind more than words could ever say. To You I give my life, Total Love, gratitude and devotion.... whatever small way I can help in the awakening of the planet. ShantiMayi usually comes to Baltimore every 2 years. She was last here in May 2024.
However she now gives *satsangs every Sunday by zoom. So if you are interested in attending go to wanderingstarrs.com for more information.
*Satsangs or Sacred Circles are spontaneous happenings, inspirational forums where people are encouraged to bring any questions or concerns to have Shantimayi address. To find out more about ShantiMayi go to one of her website shantimayi.com
A favourite quote of mine from ShantiMayi is:
"Our time on Earth is demanding and insisting that "now" we own our spiritual wisdom and live it to the core of our being. It is a time to rise up as elegantly mature spiritual beings. To take hold through absolute acceptance, once and for all, of our incomprehensible Self-Nature, our Universal Spirit which animates all of existence and experience.“ – ShantiMayi.