
The beauty of chanting is it takes you beyond concepts, the sense of “me.” (Prayer does this also.) It raises the frequency… lightens the energy… and thus thins thoughts. Chanting mantras is a sacred art. It is a deep exaltation of the heart to the Divine Mystery. (Divine means undividable.)
Adhikari was introduced to chanting by ShantiMayi in 2000 and fell in love with it. Most of the chanting done in the Sacha lineage is in Sanskrit which has a very high vibration.
The Gayatri Mantra at the end of the home page was an offering to you the reader and the world. It is so critically needed at this time. It is one of the oldest mantras, prayers, in the world.
It has the vibration of awakening which is the mission of the Sacha lineage of which Shantimayi and Adhikari are a part of. So it is the key mantra chanted by Adhikari. As ShantiMayi says: When you chant the Gayatri mantra you have lost the sense of “me.”
You can read more about the Gayatri Mantra and see where it is chanted regularly on www.worldwidelightcircle.net
You can also find out more about and listen to the Medicine Buddha Mantra which is primarily for healing at www.worldwidehealingcircle.net
Adhikari can introduce you to many other wonderful chants and mantras!
A Simple Prayer
For awakening
For seeing thru
For silence
For healing
For wisdom
For love
Among all peoples
This I pray